събота, юни 25, 2016

25.06.2016 WFF WFF Mediterranean Championships 2016. Volos, Greece.

На 25.06.2016 на Mediterranean Championships 2016 в гръцкият град Волос, Илияна Илиева-Костова стана шампион в категория абсолютна бикини фитнес.

At 25.06.2016 at Mediterranean Championships 2016 in the Greek city Volos, Iliyana Ilieva-Kostova becomes champion in absolute category of bikini fitness.

За още снимки и коментари, моля посетете страницата ни във Facebook.

For more pictures and comments, please visit our Facebook page.

Шампионите от Bully Team записват своите постижения на Стената на Славата на отбора.

Bully Team champions record their achievements at Bully Team's Wall of Fame.

Стена на славата/ Wall of Fame

Mario Stefanov - winner
24.06.2017 ISFA5 The Battle of Profi Sport. Vratza Bulgaria

Daniel Betov - winner
24.06.2017 ISFA5 The Battle of Profi Sport. Vratza Bulgaria

Anita Doganova - winner
04.06.2017 SFC5 Unbeatable Spirit, Kharchenko VS Doganova. Sofia, Bulgaria.

Miroslav Hadzhijski -75 kg champion
10.06.2017 ISFA World MMA Championship Sofia, Bulgaria.

Mario Stefanov - heavyweight shootwrestling champion 28.01.2017 National Championship Shootfighting & Shootwrestling
Georgi Georgiev - youngsters heavyweight shootwrestling champion 28.01.2017 National Championship Shootfighting & Shootwrestling
Petar Petrov-winner, and light heavyweight ISFA ranglist leader.
03.12.2016 ISFA3 Bitola, Macedonia

Petar Petrov-European Sanda Champion
26.11.2016 BKTF European Sanda Open Championship Sofia, Bulgaria

Anita Doganova - winner
19.11.2016 SFC4, Plovdiv Bulgaria.

Anita Doganova - winner
18.09.2016 Sanda Fight Night, London, UK.

Petar Petrov-winner, and light heavyweight ISFA ranglist leader.
18.09.2016 ISFA2 Goce Delchev, Bulgaria

Anita Doganova - Intermediate division -60kg champion
03.09.2016 ADCC Romania Open

Anita Doganova - SFC featherweight title holder
30.07.2016 Spartacus Fight Championship (SFC3). Varna, Bulgaria.
Iliyana Ilieva-Kostova - absolute champion bikini fitness
25.06.2016 WFF WFF Mediterranean Championships 2016. Volos, Greece.

Peter Petrov - winner with KO 00:24 min of first round.
18.06.2016 ISFA MMA - Clash of Champions. Vratza, Bulgaria.

Click to continue

събота, юни 18, 2016

18.06.2016 ISFA Clash of Champions. Vratza, Bulgaria

На 18.06.2016 във Враца, България се проведе професионална гала вечер по бойни спортове от веригата ISFA – Сблъсък на шампионите.

Ат 18.06.2016 In Vratza, Bulgaria was held professional fight night under the organisation of ISFA – Clash of champions.

Първи на ринга се качиха Даниел Бетов срещу Петър Александров . Това беше професионалният дебют на Дани и той го спечели с техничен армбар:

First on the ring was Daniel Betov (Pitbulls) VS Peter Alexandrov. This was Dani’s professional debut and he managed to win it by technical armbar:

2-Featherweight- win-Daniel Betov (Pitbulls) vs Petur Alexandrov - 2:16 in 1rst round (armbar)

Най-драматичната и оспорвана среща на вечерта, беше между Мирослав Христов (Bully Team) и Павел Владев (Hope Gabrovo). Резултата от срещата нажежиха страстите сред поддръжниците на състезателите и съдиите, но за едно нещо всички бяха на едно мнение: това беше най-добрият мач за вечерта:

The most dramatic and controversial fight was between Miroslav Zahariev (Bully Team) and Peter Vladev (MMA Fight Club Hope Gabrovo). The result of the fight cause tension between supporters of the fighters and judges, however everyone’s opinion is that this was the fight of the night:

3-Lightweight-win Pavel Vladev (MMA Fight Club Hope Gabrovo) vs Miroslav Hristov (Bully Team) - 3:15 min in the 3th round (TKO)

Следващата среща на наш състезател беше дебютът на Петър Петров (Bully Team) от Кюстендил срещу Веселин Парашкевов. Петър приключи мача с нокаут за 24 секунди:

Next was the debut fight at the professional arena of Peter Petrov (Bully Team) VS Veselin Parashkevov. Peter finished his opponent with 24 sec KO:

4-Heavyweight - win Petur Petrov (Bully Team) vs lose Veselin Parashkevov. 00:24min in the 1st round (KO)

Останалите официални резултати поместваме по-долу. Всички резултати ще бъдат включени в официалните ранглисти на ISFA и TFC:

Official results will be included in the official rang lists of ISFA and TFC:

1-Lightweight - win-Mihail Velchovski vs lose Martin Мomchilov 1:18min in the 1st round (TKO)
2-Featherweight- win-Daniel Betov vs lose-Petur Alexandrov..2:16 in the1rst round (armbar)
3-Lightweight-win Pavel Vladev vs lose Miroslav Hristov.3:15 min in the 3th round (TKO)
4-Heavyweight - win Petur Petrov vs lose Veselin Parashkevov. 00:24min in the 1st round (KO)
5- Welterweight win- Jivko Stoimenov vs Lose Dragomir Iliev. 1:30 min in the 1st round (submission achilles lock)
6-Welterweight - WIN - Krasimir Stanev vs lose Daniel Kolev. 4:26min in the 2nd round
7-Heavyweight win Kaloian Kolev vs lose Plamen Petkov 00:55min in the 1st round TKO (doctor stoppage)
8-Flyweight Win-Teodor Nikolov vs lose Nikolai Kapchikov 1:32min in the 1st round (TKO)
9- Lightweight win- Valentin Benishev vs lose Ilqn Markov. 00:54 min in the 1st round .(Submission)

За още снимки и коментари, моля посетете страницата ни във Facebook.

For more pictures and comments, please visit our Facebook page.

Шампионите от Bully Team записват постижрнията си на Стената на славата на отбора..

Bully Team champions record their achievements at Bully Team's Wall of Fame.

18.06.2016 Bully Team is official representative of ISFA in Australasia

Sevastiyan Kostov became the official representative of International Submission Fighting Association for Asia and Oceania, in order to work for further development of ISFA.
The certificates was received from ISFA's vice-president Emil Kazakov and one of the best Bulgarian grapplers Kristian Popov.
Together with that Sevastiyan received his international MMA referee and judge certificate.